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What is the generator resistance capacitance test?

In the power system and electrical equipment, the generator is one of the very core equipment. In order to ensure the normal operation of the generator, regular load testing is necessary. Resistive capacitance load test is an important step to evaluate generator performance. This paper will introduce the content of load test of generator resistance capacitance in detail.

500kW load bank
1. Purpose of testing
The main purpose of the load test of the generator is to test the performance of the generator, including the output voltage, current, power factor and other parameters to ensure that it can run stably under different load conditions. Through testing, you can find potential problems with the generator, such as voltage fluctuations, current imbalances, etc., and then take measures to maintain or adjust.
2. Test content
Resistance load test
The resistance load test is mainly to simulate the pure resistance load such as the motor to test the output capacity and efficiency of the generator. In the test process, by gradually increasing the resistance load, observe the voltage, current and power changes of the generator, record the parameters, and draw the corresponding curve. The test results can be used to evaluate the load capacity and efficiency of the generator.
Inductive load test
Inductive load testing is mainly to simulate inductive loads such as transformers and reactors. By gradually increasing the inductive load, the performance of the generator is observed and the related parameters are recorded. The test results can evaluate the operating stability of the generator under inductive load.
Capacitive load test
Capacitive load testing is mainly to simulate the reactive power compensation equipment of the power system, such as capacitor banks. By gradually increasing the capacitive load, observe the voltage, current and power factor changes of the generator, record the parameters, and draw the corresponding curve. The test results can evaluate the operating stability of the generator under capacitive load.