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The main content of Resistive-inductive load test of diesel generator

The resistance load test of diesel generator is the key link to ensure the stable operation of the equipment under various load conditions. The main content of the test includes resistive load test and inductive load test.

1000kW load bank
The resistive load test evaluates the performance of a diesel generator under a purely resistive load. In this test, we observe changes in the voltage, current, and power output of the generator by gradually increasing the load. The focus is on checking the generator's maximum output capacity and its efficiency performance under different loads. In addition, it is also necessary to pay attention to the thermal performance of the generator and check whether there is overheating to ensure its stability in continuous operation.
Inductive load testing is closer to actual use and mainly evaluates the performance of diesel generators under motor-like loads. This type of load will generate induced current when the power supply is cut off due to the inductance effect. In the test, we observe the response speed, voltage stability and overload capacity of the generator by simulating the load of the motor in actual use. In addition, the transient performance of the generator needs to be evaluated to ensure its rapid recovery ability under sudden load.
Through resistive load test, we can fully understand the performance characteristics of diesel generators, and provide basis for equipment maintenance and optimization. This not only helps ensure the stable operation of the equipment under various load conditions, but also improves the overall efficiency of the generator and reduces operating costs.