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Ac electronic loads are mainly applied at frequencies

An load bank is a device that is connected to the output end of the power supply under test and simulates the performance of the load connected to the power supply to efficiently test the power supply performance. The power supply here refers to the DC power supply, ac power supply, or battery, as well as solar cells and generators can supply all voltage sources.

500kW load bank

With electronic loads, the power supply output current can be quickly set to any value. Unlike, say, resistive loads, electronic loads can produce varying currents in the same state of operation as the actual load. Can handle all kinds of tests
Ac electronic load is the opposite of DC electronic load, used for testing AC power supplies, generators, etc. It goes without saying that AC is different from DC. Over a period of time, the current direction (polarity) of the AC will change, and dc electronic loads are not suitable. Ac electronic loads can be used in power tests ranging from mains (50/60Hz) to 400 Hz power used in aircraft, while direct current electronic loads do not have this capability.