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Maintenance precautions of generator set

As an important equipment in power system, the normal operation of generator set is very important to ensure the stability and reliability of power supply. Therefore, adequate attention must be paid to the maintenance of the generator set. This paper will discuss the maintenance precautions of the generator set.

generator load bank
1. Daily maintenance
Daily maintenance is the basis for ensuring the normal operation of the generator set, mainly including the following aspects:
Check the operating status of the generator set, including sound, temperature, vibration, etc., to ensure that the unit is not abnormal;
Check the lubrication system to ensure sufficient lubricating oil, good oil quality and no leakage;
Check the cooling system to ensure sufficient cooling water, normal water circulation and no leakage;
Check the electrical system, including cables, terminals, sensors, etc., to ensure that there is no loosening or damage;
Keep the generator set clean, regularly clean up dust, oil and other debris.
Second, regular maintenance
Regular maintenance is based on the operation time and use of the generator set, develop the corresponding maintenance plan, including the following aspects:
Replace lubricating oil and air filters regularly, and clean or replace fuel filters;
Check and adjust the parameters of the generator set, such as valve clearance, fuel injector, etc.
Check and replace seals, belts and other wearing parts;
Check and test electrical system to ensure normal electrical performance;
Carry out comprehensive inspection and commissioning to ensure that the generator set is in good technical condition.
3. Special maintenance
Special maintenance refers to taking special maintenance measures under specific environment and conditions, including the following aspects:
In a humid environment, moisture-proof and rust-proof measures should be strengthened, regular inspection and replacement of seals, wires and other wearing parts;
In a high temperature environment, the maintenance of the cooling system should be strengthened, the water tank should be cleaned regularly, and the coolant should be replaced.
In cold environment, insulation measures should be strengthened to prevent freezing and solidification of lubricating oil;