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Process and steps of load testing

A load test typically consists of the following steps:
Preparation stage: Check whether the parameters of the generator are normal to ensure that the test environment is safe. At the same time, prepare the corresponding test equipment and load device according to the test requirements.

1000kW load bank
Initial test: Test in the no-load state of the generator, record its voltage, current, frequency and other key indicators. This step helps to understand the basic performance of the generator.
Step loading: Gradually increase the load of the generator, observe and record its performance indicators under different load conditions. In this process, special attention needs to be paid to the temperature rise, vibration and noise of the generator.
Peak testing: The generator is tested at maximum load to check its performance under extreme conditions. This step is important to ensure that the generator can operate stably in an emergency.
Unloading and recovery: After the test is completed, gradually unload the load of the generator, and observe its performance indicators in the unloading process. At the same time, the necessary maintenance and maintenance of the generator is carried out to ensure its long-term stable operation.